Neo's life was ruined by hurt and neglect.


He was starved of food, starved of love and care.

When RSPCA Inspector Rosie arrived at the scene, she found Neo in an awful condition. He was only eight months old and in desperate need of veterinary care. Neo was rushed to RSPCA Burwood for emergency treatment.

Every year, RSPCA Victoria Inspectors rescue thousands of animals like Neo whose lives have been broken. But there are many more who need help.

With a monthly gift from you, RSPCA Victoria can rescue more animals like Neo. Animals who just want to be loved.

Your monthly gift will keep Inspectors on the road, get animals to safety and give them the lifesaving care they need when they have no one else.

Please give a monthly gift today and give animals in need a second chance. They need someone like you to help mend their broken lives.

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The password must be at least 10 characters long, and must contain at least 1 letter, 1 number, and 1 special (non-numerical or alpha) character.

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Your first monthly donation will be processed right away. Following that, your monthly donation will be processed on the 16th day each month starting from next month.


Total Monthly Donation Amount


RSPCA Victoria will use your information to do what you have requested (e.g. process your donation and keep you updated with our work). Please call 03 9224 2538 or email to update your contact preferences. We do not rent, sell or exchange your information without your permission. See our Privacy Policy here